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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Notre Dame Magazine

Client: Notre Dame Magazine
Art Director: Kerry Prugh
Subject: Arthur McFarland

The assignment was to create an environmental portrait of Judge Arthur McFarland for Notre Dame Magazine. I decided to photograph Mr. McFarland at his office, as well as outside his church. Art director Kerry Prugh selected one of the shots with the church in the background.

Technically, this shot was pretty simple ... it's just available light. I shot it with a Canon 5D II and a 50mm f/1.4 lens set at f/2.5. Some days, you just have good light.

Here are a few others from the shoot:

For this image, I used a small Chimera on camera left and a small Chimera strip boomed over the camera. There was an additional head on the books in the background.

Another available light shot. Canon 50mm f/1.4 set at f/1.4 on the 5D II.

And what shoot would be complete without running a couple rolls through a Hasselblad. I used a Hasselblad 503 with motor drive, 150mm with extension tube, and Ektar 120 film. The main light was a 22" beauty dish with grid. I used small Matthews flags to control the light from the beauty dish. Fill light came from a small Chimera strip over the camera.

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